Stewardship is lived out in the decisions we make as we manage the resources that have been given to us. This includes financial resources, time, money, material possessions, physical health, the environment, talents, energies, relationships and responsibilities ~ either at home at work or in the community.
This is Stewardship
Time Talent Treasure
Altar Flower Ministry
Delivering Love, Joy and Beauty Through Altar Flowers
I share in the lay ministry of Advent by delivering altar flowers to those who, for whatever reason, are unable to attend regular services. As needed, after the 10:30 AM Sunday service, I coordinate with others for input, as to who may appreciate receiving the altar flowers. Depending on their living situation, I use the Advent directory, located in the Sacristy (the room near the altar), to contact them, seek their input and coordinate as necessary. The delivery of flowers is usually a short drive away. The process of making a delivery allows me to chat briefly with those members of our community that I would not normally interact with. Commonly, recipients are thrilled and honored to receive the gift of beautiful flowers, which adorned the altar during the Sunday services. As a lay member of the Church of Advent, it is important to me to share the grace and love of our Church community with those who may not be able to attend regular services. Advent's beautiful flower arrangements bring joy and serve as a reminder to the recipient(s) that they remain an important part of our Church community, as they have been fondly remembered.
It's simple: Deliver Flowers - Share Love and Beauty as a lay minister of the Church of Advent!
Kathleen Rhodes
The current funeral ushers are: Tom Curry, Bob Dyer, Dick McCoy, Pete Peterson and Al Rundle.
Funeral Usher Ministry
One of the many small but important ministries at Advent are the FuneralUshers. These parishioners are always present during a funeral ormemorial service to assist clergy, funeral staff, and family members of thedeceased.The funeral ushers coordinate with Rev. Tim and each funeral director toensure a dignified and respectful service is conducted. If a specific request from the family arises the ushers make every effort to accommodate the request with compassion and understanding. The funeral ushers are readily available to assist disabled persons or folks who are having mobility problems. It is an honor and privilege to serve on this unique capacity. If you have any questions or are interested in serving as a funeral usher please contact the church office.
Stewardship Prayer
Generous God, We give thanks to you for the gifts you have given us - our lives, our families, and our friends - Time, Talents, and Material Possessions. All that we have comes from You. Help us to remember this and rejoice in your goodness. Walk with us our God. Help us on our SPIRITUAL journey, so that we may constantly renew our relationship with You and all the good people in our parish and throughout the diocese. Renew in us Your spirit. Give us the strength and courage to become better followers of Jesus, to be disciples. Help us her the call to “Come, Follow Me.” We give glory to You, our God, as we make Stewardship a way of LIFE. Amen
Stewardship Prayer
by Diane Bieberbach
Loving God, We ask for Your guidance in discerning our pledge. As we thankfully count our many blessings, we call on your guiding hand in making our decision. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
Stewardship Prayer
by Kim Hoeschel
Gracious God, we thank You for the abundance of blessings that come from living in a relationship with You. Help us to be ever mindful of your generous grace and to share with others with You have given to us. Amen
Stewardship Prayer
by Gaila Ciccarone
Verse from Hymn 705 “As those of old their first fruits brought” which speaks about using our labor, love, and giving to support stewardship “with all humility”
Our parish has had an active Stewardship Committee for many years.
We would welcome your participation or suggestions on this committee.
If you are interested, please contact Jim Palic at: or call the church office and someone will return your call.